Basketball Bible

Class B Boys
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Basketball Bible

Postby heimer » Tue Oct 08, 2013 11:20 am



In the beginning, the sports world was void, and without form, with only sports of sticks and bases or unorganized running with leather helmets available. And the Lord moved across the world, and said, "Let there be baskets." And baskets, made of wood capable of holding peaches, were formed. And the Lord saw it was good, and pleased. Evening passed and morning came, and that was the first day.

Then, the Lord said, "Let the baskets be positioned on poles at separate ends of a firm surface. And a surface of wood was formed, rectangle in shape. And the baskets were supported by the poles and placed on opposite ends of the wood surface. And the Lord saw it was good, and was pleased. Evening passed and morning came, and that was the second day.

Then, the Lord said, "Let a ball be fashioned to be thrown into the baskets. And let the ball be bounced from the surface to allow it to be moved from one side of the surface to the other. And a ball of leather was made, and filled with air, and the Lord saw that it bounced from the surface and fit in the baskets, and he saw that it was good, and was pleased. Evening passed and morning came, and that was the third day.

Then, the Lord said, "Let us fashion new baskets that are without a bottom, so as to allow the ball to move through the basket and back to the surface without emptying the basket. And the Lord fashioned rings of iron, and attached nets to the baskets, allowing the ball to pass through the ring and through the net to the floor. And the Lord threw the ball through the ring, and saw the ball fall to the floor, and he saw that it was good, and was pleased. Evening passed and morning came, and that was the fourth day.

Then the Lord said, "Let us fashion people to participate in this activity. Let them be of varying strength, speed, and agility, and let them move across the surface in groups, with some groups attempting to throw the ball in one ring, while the other group attempts to throw the ball in the other ring." And the Lord reached down, and took soil from the earth, and fashioned people of different types.

Then the Lord said, "Let us fashion a certain person to control the various groups of people, with authority to position those people at various spots on the floor where their abilities will allow the best possible opportunity for that group to throw the ball through the ring they are assigned to." And the Lord took more soil from the earth, and created a person of great knowledge. And he named that person Coach.

And the Lord said to the coach, "Name the people I have created based on their abilities and their positions on the floor. And Coach observed the people, and named them according to their abilities, naming all those on the surface Players, with names of Guard, Wing, Forward, Post, and Center, with some names working in place of others.

And the Lord saw that it was good, and was pleased. Evening passed and morning came, and that was the fifth day.

Then the Lord said, "Let us create a place of refreshment for those moving across the surface, so they may replace the energy they use while involved in the activity. And the Lord created a table, and a dispenser for liquid, with a spout from the bottom of a jug. And the Lord created various liquids to flow from the jug, including energy drinks, and water. And the Lord saw that it was good, and he was pleased. Evening passed and morning came, and that was the sixth day.

Then the looked over his creation, and saw that it was good, and he said, "Let us make the seventh day a day of rest." And the Lord rested.

The Table:

The Lord had created many liquids to refresh the people on the surface, as well as those off the surface. One day, Coach asked the Lord, "What liquids may my players drink of, and which should they not drink of?"

The Lord said, "Your players may drink of any liquids at the table, and may drink of many liquids outside of the surface, but they may not drink of the Kool-Aid called Class B. That liquid is forbidden."

One day, Coach was met by another man of great knowledge, a man named Superintendent. And Coach said, "Find us a liquid that will allow our players to be better refreshed during play, but obey the Lord, and do not take of the Kool-Aid of Class B.

And Superintendent left the surface and journeyed, searching for the liquid. And he was met by a serpent, and the serpent said, "Is it true that the Lord will not let you drink of the Kool-Aid of Class B?"

And Superintendent said, "The Lord says we may drink of any liquid except the Kool-Aid of Class B, or we will surely die."

The serpent said, "You will not die if you drink of the Kool-Aid of Class B. The Lord knows that you will have increased knowledge if you drink of Class B. He knows you will learn how to instruct your players to gain advantage by actually not throwing the ball in the basket, and you will learn how to keep groups of larger size away from your surface, while your group is still a larger size than many of the groups that visit your surface."

And Superintendent drank of Class B, and took some back to the surface, and Coach drank of it as well. And upon drinking of Class B, their knowledge greatly increased. And Coach ordered many groups away from his surface, and then made his players only throw the ball to each other, and not through the basket.

And the Lord came to the surface, and saw what had happened, and said to Coach, "Why have many groups left, and why do your players not throw the ball in the basket? Did you drink of the Kool-Aid of Class B?"

And Coach said, "Superintendent, whom you created, drank of Class B, and gave some to me, and I drank of it."

And the Lord was enraged, and said, "I will punish you for drinking the Kool-Aid of Class B. No longer will players in your area play at the same level as those of different levels. I will divide your land into states. And your state will be sparse, with few players to choose from, while other states will be blessed with many players. And your players will work hard, but not receive what the land gives you as in other states."

And the Lord named the game Basketball, and he separated the game into many levels, and Class B became the smallest level.

The Covenant

The Lord had a loyal servant named Fastbreak. Fastbreak was a Class B player, and he was exciting to watch, and made many other players fans of his time on the surface.

And the Lord spoke to Fastbreak, and said to him, "With you I will make my covenant. You will produce many offspring, and your descendents will be like grains of sand or stars in the sky. You will keep my ways, and I will bless you."

And Fastbreak had many descendents, and his descendents ruled a land given to them by the Lord called Smalltown.

The Ten Commandments

And it came to pass that Fastbreak, eager to bring order to the land, requested a set of rules that the land could abide by.

Fastbreak was summoned to the top of a high hill near a valley, and was met by the Lord. And the Lord said to Fastbreak, "I have heard your prayers, and you will receive my commandments to live by. I will summon a group of your people, called Board of Directors. You will work with them to create the rules."

And Fastbreak ventured to a small village, where Board of Directors had been meeting in secret. Fastbreak said, "I have come to work with you to create rules."

But Board of Directors said, "We have already met to discuss the rules, and need no further help from you."

Fastbreak replied, "The Lord has asked me to help you in this task. Yet, you did not inform me of your desire to meet."

Board of Directors replied, "Our notice of the meeting was written on a stone tablet of some 16 square inches, and placed under a table in a home four miles from here for all of the world to see. It is not our fault you did not attend our meeting."

And Board of Directors handed two tablets to Fastbreak, each with five commandments of the game written upon them.

Fastbreak took the commandments to a meeting of those called Coach near the table of refreshment. After serving the land's finest Class B Kool-Aid, the commandments were read aloud.

You shall have no other sports with even similar importance

You shall have no idols, save for Beyer, Eaglestaff, and Blehm

Profanity or vain words will result in a technical foul

Wednesday and Sunday are out of the question. Yes, even Wednesday

Mom and Dad are the best coaches and referees. Just ask them.

Physical play is not allowed, unless you play in college

You shall not transfer to play, unless you can win that way

Stealing a state title is only allowed if you leave Bottineau

You need proof that a transfer is not living with his uncle's cousin before accusing them

You don't need a new gym just because they got one. Wait, yes you do.

The Temple

And it came to be that Smalltown was ruled by Statetitle, a ruler of considerable power. And Statetitle was blessed by the Lord, and Statetitle created a temple for the Lord, called State Tournament, where Class B players could come to worship.

But after a victory by Smalltown against the enemies of the Lord, Smalltown looked across to a different room, and saw a beautiful trophy. The Smalltown knew he had to have the trophy, again and again. And Smalltown said to his commanders, "We must do different things to have trophies. Therefore, we will no longer run toward the basket and throw the ball through. Instead, we will throw the ball through, and then we will keep the ball from the other team for as long as we can. In this way, they cannot throw the ball in the basket."

And Smalltown's advisor begged him, saying, "The Lord made the game in his own image. You will anger the Lord, and he will no longer be on our side."

But Smalltown did as he was tempted, and he claimed the trophy.

And the advisor said to Smalltown, "You have angered the Lord. He condemns your kingdom. Your kingdom will fall, but you will not die."

The Fall of the Temple

It came to be that, after Smalltown's betrayal, the descendents of Fastbreak turned away from the ways of the Lord. They continued to keep the ball from the other team, and continued to not throw the ball in the basket.

The Lord then sent judgments against Fastbreak's descendents. He took away the number of players in the group to put on the surface. He then reduced the number of groups in the region, forcing some groups to band with others simply to be on the surface.

Then, the Lord delivered a harsh punishment. The Lord sent groups of his own choosing, groups that taught their players in his name. These groups were called Private Schools, and Red River Valley Conference Teams, and they become the mortal enemy of Fastbreak's descendents.

And the land called for a hero. Then one day, mighty Hillsboro, a descendent of Red River Valley Conference, challenged the mass of Fastbreak's descendents, taunting them by saying, "Will none of you challenge me?"

And Epping, a lowly member of Fastbreak's descendents, stepped forward. Hillsboro laughed and scoffed, "You are the smallest of your tribe. How do you plan to defeat me?"

And Epping, blessed by the Lord, grabbed a stone, and affixed it in his sling. And he slung it at Hillsboro, and slew him."

And Epping became the hero of Fastbreaks descendents. And Epping ruled over a resurgence of the Lords ways in the land, and become a mighty king, with tales of his deeds handed down from generation to generation.

But after Eppings death, the land again drew away from the Lords ways. The Lord sent an emeny people, called the Board of Directors, to destroy the temple. The Board of Directors invaded the land, and the temple was turned into a relic, where people gathered to simply exchange money and remember the glory of Fastbreaks past. And darkness fell over the land.

The New Testament

The Gospel

The Birth

During the reign of the Board of Directors, the Lord sent an angel upon a virgin girl, named Valley City. The angel of the Lord appeared to the girl, and said, "Do not be afraid. You will bear a son, the son of the Lord, and he shall be the savior of our people."

And Valley City was greatly troubled, as she was betrothed to a descendent of Fastbreak named Eastern Dakota Conference. But the angel appeared to Eastern Dakota Conference, and said, Do not be troubled. Valley City will be the Lord's son, sent to be a savior for the world. Take Valley City as your own, and raise the son."

And Eastern Dakota Conference did as he was ordered.

Now, in the days of 2010, a star appeared over a building on Central Avenue, across from the high school. And wise men from near and far saw the star, and they believed. And they traveled toward the star.

Valley City and Eastern Dakota Conference were traveling to their land for a census, and Valley City knew the time had come to give birth. They arrived at the building on 2nd Streeet Northwest, but there was no room for them in the building. They were lodged in a building under the star.

And Valley City gave birth, and it was a son. And she said, "I will name my son Three Class System, and he will be a savior to his people Fastbreak.

And the wise men, from Edgeley, and Jamestown, and Fargo, presented gifts to Three Class System, and they bowed down and worshipped.

The Temptation of Three Class System

And Three Class System grew, and began a journey through the land. And he encountered a river, and a man named South Dakota, who was baptizing in the river, saying, "Repent your two-class ways, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. I baptize you in water, but the one who is coming will baptize with unquenchable fire."

And Three Class System walked into the river, and South Dakota saw who it was, and said, "You should baptize me." But Three Class System was baptized, and as he emerged from the water, the Heavens opened, and the Lord said, "This is my son, Three Class System, with whom I am pleased.

Then Three Class System wandered the desert for 40 days, with no food or drink. And Satan appeared, and said to him, "If you are truly the son of God, command these rocks to become the state semifinals."

But Three Class System said, "Basketball does not live by the ticket booth alone, but by every game of the year."

Then Satan took Three Class System to the top of a cliff, and said, "Throw yourself upon the ground, for surely the Lord will not let his son be hurt."

But Three Class System replied, "It is not wise to tempt the Lord."

Then Satan showed Three Class System the state title game, with massive crowds, and he said, "All of this I will give you if you will worship me."

And Three Class System said, "Get away from me Satan!" And Satan left him, and angels appeared and ministered to him.

The Teachings of Three Class System

Three Class System attended a game in Fargo, but the game ran out of excitement. And Valley City went to Three Class System, and said, "Help these people." And Three Class System said to Valley City, "My time has not yet come." But Valley City went to the hosts and said, "Do as he says."

And Three Class System held out his arms, and new lines appeared on the surface, in the form of a semi-circle on each end of the surface, a great distance from the basket. And Three Class System said, "Beyond these lines will now exist a chance to earn three points for your group by throwing the ball in the basket from beyond the line."

And the hosts were greatly elated. And they said to him, "Normally games will give us the best at the beginning, but fade when the guests have had their fill, but you have saved the best for now."

Then Three Class System was walking through the land, and was approached by a Class A fan who said, "My game is stale from too much defense, and games in smaller places, where there is far less defense, have more scoring."

And Three Class System spit upon the ground and rubbed the dirt in his fingers and formed a mud. He then rubbed the mud on walls at each end of the surface, and new clocks formed, clocks that counted down from 35. And Three Class System said, "These clocks now indicate how much time you have to throw the ball at the basket. If you do not do so by the time the horn sounds, you will give the ball to the other team."

And the man was healed, and told everyone in the land. And soon, even Class B players used the clock.

Three Class System then gathered the masses, and began teaching them.

"Blessed are those with many classes, for their games are more balanced."

"Blessed are those at Class A who mourn for attention, for they will play in college."

"Blessed are those many state tournaments, for more people will go and watch."

"Blessed are those who can think forward, for they will keep the sport alive."

The Crucifixion

The time of the Board of Directors meeting was coming, and Three Class System arrived at the building on 2nd Street Northwest.

The time of the Board of Directors meeting was coming, and Three Class System arrived at the building on 2nd Street Northwest.

And while he was there, he was challenged by the Pharisees. Grafton, a member of the Pharisess, said, "Will you not follow our teachings that we can hold the ball as long as we want?"

And Three Class System replied, "You have a fine way of rejecting the will of God to establish your tradition. Your system was built on rules against the way the game was to be played."

Then Central Cass, another Pharisee, said, "Our system is based on numbers passed down from the bylaws. Shall we not follow the bylaws? And Three Class System took a coin from his pocket, a coin that had a football on one side, and a number 4 on the other. And he said, "Was football not originally under a different bylaw. Give to the game what is the games and to the bylaws what is the bylaws."

The Pharisees knew that Three Class System was a threat. They had him arrested in the building, and took him to the Board of Directors, and said, "This man claims he is the son of God, that his way is the right way. It is blasphemy."

And the Prefect at the time, Sherm Sylling, met with Three Class System, and questioned him, and appeared before the crowd, and said, "I find nothing wrong with this man."

But the crowd said, "We want super co-ops that go beyond our bylaws to remain Class B anyway, like wrestling and softball, not this man."

And Sherm Sylling turned him over to the Board of Directors, and said, "I am done with this man. Do as you wish."

And the Board of Directors asked, "What should we do with this man?"

And the crowd said, "Crucify him!"

So, the Board of Directors handed him over to Media. And Media scourged Three Class System, beating him mercilessly. He was then taken back to the Board of Directors room, where he died.

And St. Rick Diegel of Edgeley, took the broken body of Three Class System to a tomb, and laid him there.

The Resurrection and Rapture

Three minutes later, Oil Boom, a disciple of Three Class System, came to the tomb to care for the body. When Oil Boom arrived, she discovered the stone rolled away from the entrance, and Three Class System was gone.

Oil Boom ran to tell the other disciples, and they were amazed. And they gathered together to pray, but Heimer, who was not among them when they saw the tomb empty, doubted.

And Three Class System appeared to them and said, "Heimer, look into the west, and feel the pain of Watford City and Stanley on the verge of Class A, and believe."

And Heimer looked, and he believed, and said, "Three Class System, I believe. And Three Class System said, "Blessed are those who have not seen, yet still believe.

And they went outside, and Three Class System said, "Tell the world, and baptize non-believers in my name. I am coming again to make everything new."

The Revelation

I, Heimer, a servant of Three Class System, have had the future revealed to me in visions.

I have seen three classes of basketball and volleyball, with combined tournaments and huge capacity crowds. I have seen Watford City and Stanley endorsing these plans, and crying out for relief after two years of competing with Bismarck High and Bismarck Century.

I have seen Three Class System arriving triumphantly to make the world his own, and I have seen years and years of his rule established here on earth.

The day is coming when the torment of two-class system will be no more, and we will be delivered to the grace of balance. May way, for the Kingdom of Three Class System is at hand!
Last edited by heimer on Mon Nov 24, 2014 12:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Basketball Bible

Postby Flip » Tue Oct 08, 2013 11:32 am

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Re: Basketball Bible

Postby packers21 » Tue Oct 08, 2013 11:34 am

It is a little harder to motivate kids I guess because they’ve been pampered so much. We’re in the trophy generation, give ‘em a trophy for 23rd place, make ‘em feel good. Make mom and dad feel good.” Tom Izzo, Michigan State Basketball
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Re: Basketball Bible

Postby vb4life » Tue Oct 08, 2013 11:52 am

You, my friend, have way too much time on your hands!! :roll:
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Re: Basketball Bible

Postby The Schwab » Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:40 pm

My thoughts after reading this:

1. Epping didn't beat Hillsboro
2. For the 100th time, an equal 3 class system doesn't work with our state anymore, 20 years ago yes, now no.
3. Here's how you fix the problem as I've said before. Expand the top class to 30 (or something around that), split the top and bottom half into AA and A. Have 4 teams from each play for a state title, have the winners play each other for an A/AA title.

That way everyone gets a ribbon, just how people like things.
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Re: Basketball Bible

Postby winner-within » Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:48 pm

I think we would have to keep the 3 point line, and the shot clock in all three classes.
then of course the scheduling would have to have some 3(B) class playing 2(A) class just for travel conveniences ...but God forbid a 2 class play a 1(AA) class

let me say well thought out...a true journalist you are
but Isn't this kinda bringing religion back into the public school?..........
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Re: Basketball Bible

Postby heimer » Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:49 pm

I couldn't get around the Epping-Hillsboro thing, but everyone uses it as David and Goliath, so I had to plug it in.
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Re: Basketball Bible

Postby heimer » Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:50 pm

And yes, but the religion of basketball, so it's okay.
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Re: Basketball Bible

Postby winner-within » Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:40 pm

heimer wrote:And yes, but the religion of basketball, so it's okay.

I agree...I'd like to see the 10 commandments in reference..

and without a doubt the oil boom thing is reality....lets see how fast VC reacts and what solution comes about
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Re: Basketball Bible

Postby NDplayin » Tue Oct 08, 2013 2:26 pm

There's one thing Heimer has never understood. Being clever (and this was VERY clever) doesn't make one right. It also doesn't make one wrong.

There are some on this thread who prefer to use logic and statistics to present their side of debate. Others attempt to further a self-serving agenda by using clever catch phrases and cultural references to play on people's fears and emotions. They often resort to this tactic when they find themselves unable to present a bulk of evidence which considers the best interests of the aggregate.

Since you brought up the bible, Heimer, I'll play along. Let's go to 1 John 4:1-

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world

Accept the challenge Heimer- I've argued against your 3 class system rhetoric before, but I will keep my mind open. The landscape of western North Dakota has indeed changed. If you think these changes warrant that a 3 class system is best for the aggregate of ND, then by all means ditch the biblical references, the scare tactics, the blame game, the putting of words in others' mouths, and the overly generalized and stereotypical remarks and instead give us some logic and facts to support your assertion.
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Re: Basketball Bible

Postby packers21 » Tue Oct 08, 2013 3:22 pm

NDplayin wrote:There's one thing Heimer has never understood. Being clever (and this was VERY clever) doesn't make one right. It also doesn't make one wrong.

There are some on this thread who prefer to use logic and statistics to present their side of debate. Others attempt to further a self-serving agenda by using clever catch phrases and cultural references to play on people's fears and emotions. They often resort to this tactic when they find themselves unable to present a bulk of evidence which considers the best interests of the aggregate.

Since you brought up the bible, Heimer, I'll play along. Let's go to 1 John 4:1-

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world

Accept the challenge Heimer- I've argued against your 3 class system rhetoric before, but I will keep my mind open. The landscape of western North Dakota has indeed changed. If you think these changes warrant that a 3 class system is best for the aggregate of ND, then by all means ditch the biblical references, the scare tactics, the blame game, the putting of words in others' mouths, and the overly generalized and stereotypical remarks and instead give us some logic and facts to support your assertion.

Very, Very well said. Couldn't agree more.
It is a little harder to motivate kids I guess because they’ve been pampered so much. We’re in the trophy generation, give ‘em a trophy for 23rd place, make ‘em feel good. Make mom and dad feel good.” Tom Izzo, Michigan State Basketball
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Re: Basketball Bible

Postby heimer » Tue Oct 08, 2013 3:44 pm

Accept the challenge Heimer- I've argued against your 3 class system rhetoric before, but I will keep my mind open. The landscape of western North Dakota has indeed changed. If you think these changes warrant that a 3 class system is best for the aggregate of ND, then by all means ditch the biblical references, the scare tactics, the blame game, the putting of words in others' mouths, and the overly generalized and stereotypical remarks and instead give us some logic and facts to support your assertion.[/quote]

Because that's never been done to me at all.

Frankly, I don't care. I really hope we don't get a three-class system for a while, or ever. I'm looking forward to Watford City and Stanley getting pummeled by Bismarck High and Bismarck Century on a regular basis. Enjoy your stay in the WDA. It will be good to see you learn how it feels to be on the back end of an antiquated system held hostage by cash and 60-something supers.
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Re: Basketball Bible

Postby NDplayin » Tue Oct 08, 2013 4:06 pm

heimer wrote:Because that's never been done to me at all.

Frankly, I don't care. I really hope we don't get a three-class system for a while, or ever. I'm looking forward to Watford City and Stanley getting pummeled by Bismarck High and Bismarck Century on a regular basis. Enjoy your stay in the WDA. It will be good to see you learn how it feels to be on the back end of an antiquated system held hostage by cash and 60-something supers.

You certainly put a lot of time, thought, and energy into the original post for someone who "doesn't care."

What is it you don't care about?

If in saying, "I don't care," you meant that you don't care what's best for the aggregate of ND- I would believe you.

If in saying, "I don't care," you meant that you don't care about using things such as logic, fact, and statistics to support your assertion- I would believe you

The only thing I really have to tell you, Heimer, is that I do care. I care a lot. I also don't think our system is perfect, and I too see some clouds on the horizon. However, I also recognize that no system will ever be perfect. I care about finding the best plan for the current aggregate landscape, and I care about using logic, facts, and statistics in order to do so. I would care about listening to the logic, facts, and statistics you'd provide to support 3 classes; however, you never would stoop to such a level.

I don't care about your screaming at the rain, about you blaming others for whatever individual problems have you in a twist, or your clever, albeit pointless posts. Moreover, I don't care that you don't care. When you decide to care, we can have productive conversations.
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Re: Basketball Bible

Postby winner-within » Tue Oct 08, 2013 5:18 pm

Here ya go,

cause this threads not going to get locked but it will just turn into another ridiculous venture

put it in a song:

I don't need no arms around me
And I dont need no drugs to calm me.
I have seen the writing on the wall.
Don't think I need anything at all.
No! Don't think I'll need anything at all.
All in all it was all just bricks in the wall.
All in all you were all just bricks in the wall.

Oh yea...we dont need know education... on this topic
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Re: Basketball Bible

Postby heimer » Wed Oct 09, 2013 8:56 am

NDplayin wrote: I also don't think our system is perfect, and I too see some clouds on the horizon. However, I also recognize that no system will ever be perfect.

I wrote the bible for purely entertainment purposes, and also to get under the skin of people the The Schwab, Bisonguy06, etc.

Haven't you figured me out yet? I suffer from a new affliction called BBPD. Basketball Bi-Polar Disorder. Basically, I hang around doing my thing, concentrating on the Class A level. But every once in a while, I flip out, quit taking my meds, and then stray over the B threads and cause a bit of a ruckus, then head out.

That all being said, your above statement intrigued me, so I'll take the bait.

Exactly what clouds do you see on the horizon. As a fan of the current system, you shouldn't see any. Your B friends have rigged the bylaws directly in your favor. As long as there is a two-division system, the enrollment number used for classification is 325. No exceptions.

So, you have your number. Period. The state has made it clear there are no "clouds" for the state. There may be clouds for the individual school, but, based on bylaws you fully support, they are not the state's problem.

I'm guessing you are bailing out to the old double standard of "once B, always B, but the dirty A's stay away." Are the clouds you see now because some B schools are going over the limit in five years (numbers supplied to me by Watford City)? Why is that a cloud. They will be Class A. So what? That's what you get when you're over 325.

I find it ridiculous and filthy that you extend sympathy to wrestling co-ops, some that take a total enrollment to double that of Valley City (Hazen-Beulah), softball co-ops (Grafton, et. al, which they should have on their uniforms), but you worked so hard to kill a 400 number that made an exception for one more school.

Oh, and by the way, before any of my District 5 fans come screaming and say, "No, it was an exception for one school," let me just say you're wrong. It made an exception for ONE MORE school. I can count at least 7 schools that are already participating in these mega-co-ops yet remaining Class B because of "exceptions" granted by the NDHSAA. But it's all fine and good as long as they were originally B.

That's today's B legacy, and it stinks to high Heaven. As far as I'm concerned, every banner that hangs since this system was allowed should come with an asterisk, unless it was won at the A level.
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Re: Basketball Bible

Postby ndlionsfan » Wed Oct 09, 2013 9:35 am

Boring day at work, so after this last post I'll get into the game here.

Once again, you only twist the information in a way to try to support your outrageous side of the argument. Yes, there are coops in wrestling and softball that have been granted exceptions to go over the enrollment cutoff and remain B. But these are entirely different sports and have no bearing on a three class system in basketball or what happened with the VC situation.

Wrestling participation is low in many schools. A lot of times these coops form because 1-2 kid in a small school wants to wrestle and just doesn't have the opportunity without a coop. I will use MPCG as an example because I am most familiar with that area. MPCG struggles to have enough number to fill a wrestling team, but maybe a kid in Finley wants to wrestle as does a kid from Hatton. The only way those two kids can wrestle is if a coop is in place. The nearest school with wrestling is MPCG so they all coop and that forces them over the enrollment. It makes absolutely no sense to put them up in A because they couldn't compete and this would make MPCG deny the coops, which in turn denies a student any opportunity to compete in a sport. And MPCG does not benefit from the 50 other kids in Finley and the 75 in Hatton. Now, I wasn't aware that Hazen and Beulah cooped in wrestling and if that's so I don't agree with an exception being made there.

Same situation goes with softball. very few schools have a team and a few individuals from neighboring schools want to play so you get those large coops. The NDHSAA is trying to grow the sport and have a separate B tournament, so to do that you need enough teams and these exceptions need to be made.

I do agree that the growth is the western part of the state is going to lead to changes in the sports landscape in the next 5 years. If Watford and Stanley get pushed up to A, I can see more support getting drummed up for a 3 class system. This also goes along with new high schools being built in Bismarck, West Fargo and possibly even Minot in the near future, so you are going to see the number of A teams increase quite a bit. Will they separate large A teams and the smaller A teams/larger B teams? I think its coming.
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Re: Basketball Bible

Postby heimer » Wed Oct 09, 2013 10:06 am

It has everything to do with this debate.

The B community rallied around "325 is 325" after the number was LEGALLY changed to 400. If you want 325, choke on it. Tell the wrestler from Finley he will have to wrestle at Valley City or Grand Forks Red River, because MPCG would have to go A to accommodate his request. not cool, but that's life.

Valley City had about 6 kids that wanted to play baseball. They attempted to co-op with Jamestown, and Jamestown didn't want them. Their next best stop was Enderlin. Enderlin denied them, saying they would have to go A because the number was over 325. This was at a time when high school baseball was trying to grow and maintain teams also.

Face it, the B world is incapable of living by its own rules. The exceptions are cross-wired like a Christmas tree, but the moral elite scream "325 is 325". Its bull, and you know it. You'll make the exception for the bleeding heart kid from Finley or Central Valley, or allow 5 schools to co-op with Grafton for softball (Cavalier, Drayton, St. Thomas, Valley, Park River, are there any others, isn't North Border involved there?), but absorbing one school with a number of 400 draws your outcries of inequity.

Whats funny is that 400 would have saved Watford City and Stanley.
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Re: Basketball Bible

Postby The Schwab » Wed Oct 09, 2013 10:11 am

Actually you didn't get under my skin with this, I agree that something needs to be done, but I don't think the true 3 class system will work. Heimer would you be in favor of the idea that you have 15 teams in AA, 15 teams in A and the rest in B. In the structure we would have 3 state tournaments in 2 weekends (AA and A would be in the same place and set up an A vs. AA championship on Saturday night). In my opinion I think this vote would pass and would fix a majority of the problems with the current system.
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Re: Basketball Bible

Postby heimer » Wed Oct 09, 2013 10:32 am

Um......have you been following my writing for the last four years?

You're the one that has a problem with that, because it "waters it down" because "thats not big enough for a class." (quotes from previous threads on this issue)

But, oh my goodness, it will require us to do something drastic, like tell the TV networks that they will now have four games to cover on Friday of the AA-A and four more on Saturday. Oh no, will we stand up to the cash cow that is TV?

Because we also all know that TV is running this thing, or we would have had three classes already.

Time to take a page out of MN's playbook, with games on Wednesday.

Wednesday--A first round (rotate to AA the next year)--All games main floor
Thursday--AA first round (rotates)--All games main floor
Friday--Winners on TV and on main floor, consolation in second arena or floor
Saturday--3rd, 3rd, title, title on TV and main floor, 7th, 7th, 5th, 5th, on second arena or floor

Boy, this is hard to deal with, isn't it?

Start the Wednesday games at 11 a.m. so we can all go to church after to appease the religious community (hey, we don't bat an eye at playing state title football games at 8:30 a.m. to the Bison Teammakers can make the game the next day). Work with Bismarck, Fargo, and Grand Forks religious institutions to have activities after the games.

And for Gosh sakes, make sure the players take their homework with them, so we don't miss precious school time for the extra day, even though golf, tennis, and fine arts miss way, way, WAY more school time than basketball players.

Oh no, we may have to have three courts for volleyball! Whatever will we do? We couldn't possibly do that, even though we have 4 wrestling duals going on at the same time at the state tournament, and that obviously was the worst idea ever, ever, right?

It's hilarious that a couple of B schools approach A class, and now we're open to dialogue. But Heaven forbid we take care of this 10 years ago. Protect the club of B superintendents at all costs, thats how we run basketball. Oh, yeah, and cash the check from TV too.
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Re: Basketball Bible

Postby The Schwab » Wed Oct 09, 2013 10:56 am

Yes I do read your posts and since you said I am the one that has a problem with it because it "waters it down" and "that's not big enough for a class" (quotes that you say I said, however I searched all of my posts I've ever made on here and not once did I post either of those, or the words enough or water for that matter). The only problem I ever had with Valley City being dropped down to "division B" was how it was voted on and implemented, we've been over this time and again no need to rehash that now.
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Re: Basketball Bible

Postby heimer » Wed Oct 09, 2013 11:01 am

The "you" in that post referred to your group of people, the ones your opinions are most in league with, and they have been repeated here many times.

As far as the Valley City-400 thing: The NDHSAA membership, in general assembly, voted to allow the Board of Directors to establish enrollment cutoffs in sports. The Board then did that. What part of that was not right?

Furthermore, I guess you're a typical small town North Dakotan: Rather do the wrong thing the right way than deal with a right thing done a wrong way. Enjoy the oil.
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Re: Basketball Bible

Postby The Schwab » Wed Oct 09, 2013 11:34 am

The part where a few people with an agenda got together, and I do agree that it was to benefit more than one school, I would say 2 schools.
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Re: Basketball Bible

Postby heimer » Wed Oct 09, 2013 11:54 am

The Board is not seated in Valley City. The board had no member on it from Valley City. They voted unanimously, and they were from A's, big B's, and small B's from all over the state. The fact that the office is in Valley City makes absolutely no difference (I was at the meeting. I covered it, and watched it play out. The Board, on their own, modified the original proposal that was presented by the VCHS staff).

Every BOD meeting takes place there. So, where is the criticism against any area school (area to VC) when they have a favorable ruling? Or are you just going to hold VC to an impossible standard? If that's the case, then please move the office to Bismarck or Fargo or wherever you like. I was there and I guarantee, that same meeting with those same people in any other place = same decision.
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Re: Basketball Bible

Postby heimer » Wed Oct 09, 2013 11:56 am

And Schwab, it was a regular board meeting. They had multiple items on their "agenda". You Class B protectors are so filthy. You lie to make it sound like they created a meeting for one purpose. The change was one item that was handed in a 4-5 hour meeting. There was no cloak of secrecy, no hidden agenda, nothing of the sort.
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Re: Basketball Bible

Postby ndlionsfan » Wed Oct 09, 2013 12:40 pm

I'm setting the over/under for this thread at 50 posts by the end of the day. What ya got?
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