nsgu vs stanley

The teams in Class A

nsgu vs stanley

Postby bigpoppakdog » Fri Oct 10, 2008 8:06 pm

halftime 14-8 nsgu. ugly weather. some turnovers by stanley. stanley scores on long touchdown pass that nsgu safety had it bounce out of his hand and into the receivers. nice play by the receiver.

Re: nsgu vs stanley

Postby bigpoppakdog » Fri Oct 10, 2008 9:14 pm

final 28-15 nsgu.

Re: nsgu vs stanley

Postby bigpoppakdog » Fri Oct 10, 2008 10:27 pm

stanley had two big plays on offense. One play the defensive back for nsgu waited to intercept a long pass. Ball ended up bouncing off his chest and the alert receiver for stanley took it away in mid air from the nsgu safety and ended up breaking a couple tackles for a nice td. nsgu scored in the second half to go up 20 to 8. Stanleys first play after the kickoff the stanley qb broke a long td run. Stanley kicked the extra point to make it a 20 to 15 game. Nsgu scored in the 4th to go ahead 28 to 15. Nsgu kicked an onside kick and recovered it and ate up what was left of the 4th quarter. Two big homecoming road wins for nsgu. Killdeer is left on their regular season schedule.

35 degrees and rain. What an ugly night for a football game.

Re: nsgu vs stanley

Postby cubsfan » Fri Oct 10, 2008 11:16 pm

[quote="bigpoppakdog"]stanley had two big plays on offense. One play the defensive back for nsgu waited to intercept a long pass. Ball ended up bouncing off his chest and the alert receiver for stanley took it away in mid air from the nsgu safety and ended up breaking a couple tackles for a nice td. nsgu scored in the second half to go up 20 to 8. Stanleys first play after the kickoff the stanley qb broke a long td run. Stanley kicked the extra point to make it a 20 to 15 game. Nsgu scored in the 4th to go ahead 28 to 15. Nsgu kicked an onside kick and recovered it and ate up what was left of the 4th quarter. Two big homecoming road wins for nsgu. Killdeer is left on their regular season schedule.

35 degrees and rain. What an ugly night for a football game.[/quote]
I would say that it was a beautiful night for football! Noth Dakota at its best!
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Re: nsgu vs stanley

Postby bigpoppakdog » Sat Oct 11, 2008 1:10 pm

temp was great, rain/sleet/snow is not very fun.

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