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PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 6:24 pm
by Ming01
I think this could be a great topic to discuss. What does everyone think about Bonds?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 6:31 pm
by #50mandan
i know he knew he took roids, but i do feel sorry for him because of wat he has to go through, its lookin like hes gonna go on a tear now with the 3 jacks he has now, watch out babe!!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 6:38 pm
by ndfan
I'm a big Barry Bonds fan, did he use steroids? Yeah ya can't deny that. The question is did he KNOWINGLY us them?? That is yet to be proven. Anyways I will be happy to see him pass the babe, he won't pass Aaron though.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 7:40 pm
by Saucesauer
this is indirectly and directly related to him i believe every player who has tested positive mcguire consaco bonds and sosa's corked bat incident i think all their records should be erased it is all cheating its like driving a car in a marathon you just cant do it i personally believe that maris's 61 should still stand until it is broken by a clean player all they could do back than was work on the farm to get strong now there is all these supplements being used its just not fair

PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 7:43 pm
by rep
this got away from me and i just sort of wrote. i apologize in advance for the length.

my feelings on him are mixed and have a tendency to change from interview to interview and i usually hate him on tuesdays when he refers to himself in the third person. but...

bonds will finish his career as he has in almost everything else with the exception of the single season home run title...second to somebody. that said...second is ahead of a lot of people.

until the steroid thing is proved one way or the other, he will always be remembered with an astrix, regardless if he is guilty or innocent. i can live with it if he can, but i'm not exactly a baseball purist either. i am perfectly fine with acknowledging his numbers, but taking into account the time and the circumstances surrounding the game when they happened.

anymore with how absurd the 'legal' system is, even if he is proved guilty there will be a way to cast doubt. and if he is proven innocent there will still be a dark cloud hanging over him. at the end of the day, him being 'proven' guilty or innocent really doesn't change much in my mind.

i haven't spent one dollar to go and watch bonds play, so i don't feel like i was somehow cheated by him. he gave me free entertainment for over a decade. congrats. i would have bought cable t.v. anyway.

bonds can probably be summed up with having a hall of fame career and a six-year old's ability to relate with the rest of the world. he will retire with more money than 90 percent of the countries in the world, so his kids should be happy. he was a great player before people started associating him with steroids.

i have a problem with anyone that uses a personal website to relay information and doesn't talk to the media. yeah, a lot of media-types are looking to make their name on personal trash. but how many journalists were right there with baited breathe when he was slamming homers and going to n.l. championships and the world series? how many of them said they could die happy when barry went from pittsburgh to san fran? i have a problem with anyone who broad-strokes a group of people as worthless, because just like everything else, there are good and bad and generally the bad stick out in your mind more than the good.

for some reason, and i'm not sure why, i don't feel the hatred towards bonds that i feel towards sammy sosa, who to me was an average mlb player at best before he started magically hitting a lot of home runs and then cashed in. after cashing in he became a worthless person and a few years later a worthless player. maybe i don't hate bonds because watching him hobble around the bases now suddenly makes up for years of him being a snob and i pity him. i'm sure bonds would love to know a white kid from north dakota pities him.

bonds was by no means a great teammate from everything i've read, but i think besides getting into it with jeff kent, he stayed to himself. sosa made sure to blare his stereo every day and to me seemed to really only care about his statline at the end of the day.

i think that the one thing that i do like is that bonds basically admits he is a jerk. at least he is honest. he doesn't want people to just forgive (rafael palmero) or forget (mark mcguire). maybe he is worse and is just lying. who knows, i don't.

all i know is that players like ryne sandberg, andre dawson, robin yount, dale murphy, rollie fingers, kirby and nolan ryan wouldn't be anything like bonds because it wouldn't be right. they are from a different generation of baseball and those guys are my heros, not bonds. and really, i'm okay with that and i'm sure bonds didn't want to be anyone's role model anyway.

like most things, just go away barry and stay away. please don't show up dancing on a reality t.v. show or riding jet skis in some fake competition on espn. enjoy your retirement and with any luck you don't have knees that are made of plastic when you die. 10,000 years from now when someone digs up your grave, your body will look really funny.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 6:10 pm
by Saas25
Even though Barry Bonds probaly did use steroids, I'm optimistic he didn't.  Before he even got so called huge, his number were around 400 home runs and 400 SB and that in it self is worthy of the HOF.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 6:24 pm
by 4for4
Put Maris's 61 back up, please.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 4:51 pm
by Saucesauer
4for4 wrote:Put Maris's 61 back up, please.


PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2006 1:16 pm
by Ming01
Bonds hits 714 today.  Bonds is one of the best players of the modern era.

PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2006 9:27 pm
by jrh22
BONDS is solid he just hit his 714th homer.  Even if he used performance enhancing drugs i still give him mad props on his 714 homer.

PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 10:23 am
by point/center
sad part is his cheating is relative. it was illegal to use, but not against MLB rules at the time. So anybody caught using canbis, speed, or any drug they needed to 'relax' or pump themselves up fall in there to...I'm to the point where most modern day baseball records become watered down. even 20 years ago a guy that hit 300 with 30 dingers and drove in 90 rbi was top notch. now it's a yawner....sad to see how the game has fallen aprt

PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2006 2:13 pm
by ndfan
Congrats to Barry on passing Babe Ruth today with his 715th home run.

PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 4:06 pm
by bisonman
Saucesauer wrote:
4for4 wrote:Put Maris's 61 back up, please.


PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 8:22 pm
by Tigger
I'll admit that I'm a Bonds fan and am happy that he's hitting these historic homeruns.  I'll also admit that Bonds is a blatant juicer.  I don't think it is that big of a deal because that was the culture of the game from the mid 80's up until steriods were banned by baseball a couple years ago.  If you ask me, I'd say there are probably almost as many guys doing stuff now as before in baseball and most other sports because the cheaters are always one step ahead of the testers.  Bending the rules to gain an advantage has been a part of baseball from its beginnings whether it is a spitball or a needle.  We're not going to forget the greats of the past and what they accomplished just because a bunch of roid freaks came and broke some records.  Guys like Ruth and Aaron will always be in the discussion of the greatest homerun hitters, and I think that there is room in that discussion for guys like Bonds too.

PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 8:53 pm
by truplaya
barry bond best palyer ever

PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 8:59 pm
by Tigger
truplaya wrote:barry bond best player ever

I agree.  All you haters have to admit that he's at least in the discussion.

PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 9:20 pm
by truplaya
and plus every playe rin the mlb aaa aa a i odnt care they are all on steriods